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How I met my Inner Child

I first met my inner child five years ago, during a healing session with a psychic. She transported me to a time when I was about 3 years old, feeling very afraid and trying to hide in my mother’s skirts so as not to get in trouble. As a parent myself that image really touched me. I had dedicated my whole parenting life to becoming a gentle parent so as not to subject my children to the same kind of pain that I experienced as a child. Seeing my inner child and becoming acquainted with her needs for safety opened me up to a side of myself I had suppressed my entire life.

As I got to know my inner child I came to understand that she felt lonely, isolated and unsupported, she was holding on to a lot of grief, shame and unworthiness. She had internalised all the stories other people had projected onto her about her who she was during childhood. She thought she was unlikeable, incompetent, unkind, tiresome and altogether unloveable.

The strange thing was that I loved her from the moment I met her, she was a child, how could I not? And the more I got to know her the more I realised that she wasn’t any of the things that she had been led to believe she was. She was innocent, vulnerable, sweet, empathic, caring, so capable and extremely loveable. So how did she get to a place of believing that she was so unworthy? And how to go about undoing it?

In the years that followed that first meeting I discovered the healing benefits of guided meditation. Specifically, inner child meditation. It is such a powerful medium for surfacing and releasing old energies and I used it often. I was amazed by how much ‘stuff’ there was to wade through, to let go of. Every time I tuned in to meditate a different story would surface, or sometimes the same one, from a new perspective. I could feel myself getting lighter, more balanced the more I meditated. Situations that used to trigger me no longer had the same affect. I was letting go of the wounding that was responsible for my reactivity.

Alongside the healing came a newfound sense of freedom and independence. As I let go of the story that I am not capable I have started to become more adventurous. to allow myself to do things I have always wanted to do but have held myself back from. I have started to become more authentically me. The stories don’t have power over me anymore. I am free to pursue my happiness without the limitations I have always imposed on it. Limitations derived from other people’s projections of what I am capable, or indeed, worthy of.

I can now see that none of that is real. We are all worthy of joy, freedom, inner peace and abundance, and anywhere that feels uncomfortable means there is work to be done. Work to let go of the ties that bind us so that we can be free to align with our soul blueprint, and be authentically who we have been all along.

I would so love for you to experience the powerful healing benefits of Inner Child Meditation so I have created a free download just for you. To access the free download please click the link below.

Sending you so much love on your healing journey,

Lynsey x