Soulmate, Karmic or Twin Flame - How to tell the Difference
These 3 different types of relationship exist to help us evolve along our soul’s journey. It can be difficult to decipher which kind of relationship you are experiencing as despite their differences, they are all types of soul connection. The common shared theme is that each kind of connection exists as a soul contract, agreed upon before you incarnated in this life time.
So how do you tell the difference?
Soulmates are members of your soul family. They are people you will have an instant connection with. In most instances there will be some kind of trigger set up by you before you incarnate which helps you recognise or remember your soul connection on earth.
Soulmates can be friends, lovers, family members, in fact anyone in your life who you share an easy and meaningful connection with. Sometimes they stay in your life and sometimes they show up for a short while, to help you understand a lesson and then they disappear when the connection is no longer of benefit. Soulmates feel good to be around, the connection will be strong and will benefit your life in a positive way. It’s likely that you will have several soulmates in your lifetime although it really differs from person to person.
Karmic Relationship
Karmic Partners
Wow these guys are tricky! Karmics feel great at the start, as again they are a type of soul connection. However Karmic relationships are not easy, they highlight areas where growth needs to occur, by allowing the worst version of you to surface. Eventually you’ll get annoyed at yourself for allowing all the toxicity that arises from these connections. If you have been putting your head in the sand or perhaps are blissfully unaware that your life would be better if you chose the growth path, a karmic partner will bring it all to the surface so you have no option but to confront it.
Initially these connections feel passionate and meaningful, but as you grow the passion fades and you realise that the attraction was based on shared wounding. As you outgrow these connections the attraction quickly dissipates. Karmics may also be friends or family members. These relationships are tumultuous, toxic and may be brief or lasting, depending on the amount of karma that exists between you. Karmic partners trigger each others wounds, and are based in emotional reactivity, control and a need for safety rather than love. (Although at the time your trauma bonding feels like love).
Twin Flames
Twin flames share a cosmic love and are here to unite the planet with unconditional love. They are rare and characterised by a purity of true love that is not seen in most earthly relationships. Twin Flames share the exact same soul frequency, they are a divinely orchestrated match. Whilst a karmic partner will bring out the worst in you, a twin flame will see you in your highest light and bring out the best in you.
Twin flames will never intentionally hurt one another so these connections are often marked by long periods of separation where each twin works through their healing either alone or with a karmic partner, allowing the twins to join in union once they are both healed. These connections are very powerful and trigger a spiritual awakening, because of this they typically involve more advanced souls who have reached a greater level of awakening. Not everyone has a twin flame, and even if you do, you may not meet them in this lifetime.
The intensity of this type of soul connection makes it easily recognisable and impossible to sever. As this connection largely takes place on the soul planes, during separation it may appear to the outside world like there is no connection, but twins are in constant communication telepathically, and often dream about each other or experience other synchronicities. Twin flames often experience a great deal of pain and suffering during separation as each twin does the healing allowing them to open up to unconditional love. Twins will heal their inner child, their relationships with family members, resolve past life karma, break down walls, barriers and protective mechanisms that they have developed in order to guard their hearts. Twin flames teach us that ultimately guarding the heart is the greatest suffering of all, that a life of emotional freedom and authenticity brings us true love, joy and abundance.
Once twins reach union they enjoy a relationship of pure unconditional love and bring their shared mission into the world, in the service of humanity.
As Within, So Without
Your current internal reality is the biggest predictor of the type of relationship you are attracting. Look inwards and ask yourself whether your current relationship makes you truly happy. Is it characterised by ease, joy and flow, or disappointment, depression, loneliness or sadness? To attract a higher calibre partnership, clear out all the lower frequency doubts, worries, fears and beliefs that real love isn’t available to you.
Inner child healing is a huge part of the twin flame journey. In fact, it is why I am here. I have spent a lot of time getting to know my inner child, understanding her thoughts, feelings, needs and desires. We’re good friends now and she knows that I’ve got her back and will always keep her safe. She showed me all the places that I was holding onto the idea that I wasn’t worthy of love. Now that I have cleared out everything that was keeping me out of union, I’m ready for the love of a lifetime!
Do the inner work and your love life will reward you, you have everything within you to create the life you’ve always dreamed of!
Wishing you love and light on your healing journey.
Lynsey x
PS click here if you’d like to try my free Inner Child Meditation and increase your alignment to higher dimensional love!