Your Pathway to Purpose

Surrender confusion and lean into trust as you reveal your true soul purpose and begin your journey to a more fulfilled life.

Lost and confused?

Are you wondering what your next steps are? Do you have an inkling what you might like to do but are not sure how to get there or if it’s even right for you? Or perhaps you have no clue what is right for you but feel like something bigger is waiting!

Do you find it difficult to make decisions and struggle to have faith that everything will work out? This 4 week program is designed to give you courage, faith and clarity around what the whispers on your heart are trying to communicate.

In a world that does not value our intuition it takes time and commitment to reconnect to that part of you which guides you towards what is meant for you. Reconnecting with your intuition and letting go of the fear will allow you to step into a space of mastery. One where you make decisions from the heart and have the life of your dreams available to you.

As a child. were you supported when you took time to do things you enjoyed? Was your voice listened to? Were your needs consistently met with kindness and understanding?

Or were you were conditioned to believe that your needs come second to everybody else’s?

When we prioritise everyone else’s needs above our own we learn to ignore what feels good to us. Instead we develop the notion that what feels good is what keeps us out of harms way. We stop trusting ourselves and put our faith in others to guide us.

This derails us and leads us away from our heart’s knowing.

I spent decades distracted by my need to please others and plagued by a lack of self belief or trust in my decision making. I took a variety of jobs that were always in a support role, never as the lead. I didn’t believe that I was capable of running my own business, it felt like a right that belonged to other people. Although on some level I knew that I wanted to. Eventually the discomfort of not listening to my heart’s knowing became too great and I stepped into a level of self love that allowed me to trust that everything would be ok.

Today I am an accredited Holistic Counsellor, registered with the AHHCA (Australian Holistic Healers and Counsellors Association) and have years of experience guiding clients towards the beautiful life that is waiting for them. This course is a combination of the most successful techniques and resources from my holistic counselling sessions and is focussed entirely on getting you across that line from self doubt to self trust so that you can create your extraordinary life.

Your Soul Knows
The things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose
— Jack Canfield

I have put together a program that will help release you from the confusion of self doubt and align you with your soul purpose. It will give you the clarity and direction you need to take steps in the direction of what nourishes your soul. You will come closer to your abundance and experience freedom from the lack mindset that keeps you in your comfort zone. This program will empower you to lean into trust so that you can walk towards your dreams.

- Lynsey

This program will reconnect you with your heart so that you can hear the whispers of what is meant for you.

Your life purpose is waiting…

What Can I Expect?

  • Self-Discovery

    The answers lie within you!

    This program encourages self exploration so that you can bring awareness to your heart’s desires and any obstacles you have to making them a reality.

  • Let Go of Confusion

    Aligning with your purpose means connecting to your heart and understanding what brings you joy and a sense of fulfillment. This course will reveal to you the underlying thoughts, wounds and behaviours that are preventing you from aligning with your purpose.

  • Manifest Your Dreams

    Once you’ve discovered what your purpose is it’s time to manifest it into reality! This program awakens all your senses so that all aspects of your being are manifesting the same path. We will work to align your head, your heart and your spirit to bring your dreams to life!

  • Move out of the Rat Race

    Are you ready to live a life so in tune with your bliss that you’re no longer a part of the rat race? It IS possible, it just requires you to trust yourself and what is meant for you.

    Life really is meant to be easy!

  • Take Inspired Action

    As you become more in tune with your heart’s knowing you will feel inspired to take action towards it. Working through the blocks that keep you playing small will empower you to move forward with confidence and ease.

  • Elevate Your Frequency

    As you shed the lower vibrational frequencies that keep you stuck on the hamster wheel, your energetic frequency rises and you align with higher potentials for happiness, harmony and abundance. And who doesn’t want that?!

Fear and negative self talk keep us stuck on the hamster wheel. Are you giving energy to the belief that you must give up your dreams in order to survive?

Giving your power away to fear based patterns of self-doubt and insecurity, limits your potential for growth, fulfillment, and success. Your health and happiness pay the price as you sacrifice your joy to pay the bills. The toll on your health and happiness is huge, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even illness. Imagine life without the worry of making ends meet, free of fear and the drudgery of the 9-5.

This Program is For You if:

  • You feel that your soul is calling you towards something greater.

  • You would like more balance in your every day life so you have more time for the people, places and things you enjoy.

  • You are tired of the 9-5.

  • You are ready to align with greater abundance.

  • You would like your work to bring you a greater sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.

  • You regularly feel stressed, anxious or depleted.

  • You feel unfulfilled and have a deep sense that there is more to life than you are currently experiencing.

  • You are ready to move forward in life but are unsure which path to take.

  • You're ready to let go of the struggle.

  • Reflecting on the past can bring us clues about the present. This module involves exercises to bring insight and awareness to your passions, your purpose and your destiny.

  • Fear works in opposition to our higher self. When we prioritise our fear based stories over our heart centred ones we forget to let love lead the way. This process will help you to let go of anything standing in the way of your dreams.

  • Understanding your purpose is only half the journey. The rest is getting there. This module will hep you to put together a plan of action so that you have some clarity around how to achieve your goals.

  • The way we talk to ourselves shapes our reality. What self-fulfilling prophecies are you creating? In this session we will look at your self talk, beliefs and behaviours and make sure that all aspects of self are manifesting the same outcome.

Your Pathway to Purpose

What is your soul calling you towards?

How it Works:

  • 4 Weeks of Inspirational Learning

    Get ready to understand where your skills and passions lie! This program grants you one-on-one access to Lynsey for 4 × 60 minute online sessions!

  • Choose Your Time

    Enjoy the flexibility of choosing your preferred time. Just select the date and time for your first session from the calendar below, and all subsequent sessions will be held at the same time. All times are AEST.

  • Payment in Advance

    Once you have made your booking a payment link will be emailed to you. Payment needs to be received within 24 hours in order to confirm your booking and secure your spot!

  • Homecare Activities

    After each session you will be given a task to complete in your own time. These will range from a few minutes each day to approx 30 minutes in a single sitting depending on the task.

  • Email Support

    Should you have any questions or need help working through things on the journey, Lynsey will be available to offer you email support for the 4 week duration of your program

  • Ready?

    Then let’s begin! Simply click the Book Now button below and choose the preferred time for your first session.

    Let’s do this!

Program Schedule

This 4-week program will help you to understand your life purpose, and to make pro active steps towards achieving it. It is designed to empower you to let go of fears based in survival and develop trust in yourself and your capacity to achieve your dreams.


  • 4 x 60 minute sessions with Lynsey, one-on-one.

  • A combination of energy work and talk therapy.

  • Meditation Downloads

  • Weekly exercises for you to do at home.

  • Email support throughout the duration of your program.

All this for just $555!

Start on the Pathway to Your Purpose Today…

Discover your Life Purpose Online Course Australia
  • Besides the one hour calls each week, Lynsey will give you activities to complete at home. These will either take approx 30 minutes in a single sitting or a few minutes a day over teh course of a week.

  • No. Due to the sensitive nature of these sessions and to protect your privacy the calls will never be recorded.

  • While it is not compulsory, we do ask that your camera is turned on for the duration of the call. However we do also respect your need for privacy so if there are moments you would prefer to switch off, we do understand. If you would prefer to conduct the course over the phone, we can accommodate that, please get in touch!

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