Ready for Change?
Are you tired of repeating cycles of over-giving, people pleasing and self-abandonment?
It’s Time to Reclaim Your Power!
Are you a Conscious Cycle-Breaker, ready to up-level your life? Do you feel overwhelmed by the burden of responsibility?
Feeling as though you always come last?
Hello, I’m Lynsey Tomkinson, Holistic Counsellor, Reiki Master and Complementary Therapist.
If you are ready to receive more happiness, joy and abundance then I can help you create the life you desire and deserve.
To find out how I can inspire transformation in your life, why not book a time to chat?
You have everything within you to create the peaceful, abundant and joy-filled life you dream of.
I’m here to help you access it.
It’s Time to Make YOU the Priority
Many of us are caught up in cycles of over-giving and people pleasing and aren’t aware of it until we come to the realisation that we are exhausted and unhappy. Despite all we give, and all we do for others we are left feeling depleted, unsupported and lost. When our resources are depleted we have less to give to others; our relationships, our children and our work suffer.
It is easy to forget that our primary relationship is with ourself and so it is vital that we honour that relationship before all others. This doesn’t come easy when we haven’t been given the tools to notice where we are playing small or not speaking our needs. Understanding why you prioritise other’s needs before your own is the first step to healing.
I offer a variety of modalities to support you to release old patterns, both consciously and energetically. My healing sessions are aimed at unpacking all the ways you are limiting yourself and will inspire you to show up authentically in your interactions with others so that you can invite more ease and flow into your life.

How I Can Help
Holistic Counselling
Are you ready to stop playing small and step into your power? Would you like more ease and flow in your life?
My Holistic Counselling sessions will open you up to a new way of perceiving your life and the choices you make about how you show up every day.
Each session is tailored to your needs and includes a combination of talk therapy and energy healing.
Reiki Healing
My hands-on healing sessions will alleviate anxiety, mind chatter and emotional turmoil, allowing you to feel peaceful, centred and more grounded.
I use Reiki in my Holistic Counselling sessions and as a stand alone treatment. It is a non-invasive, gentle method of healing which will rebalance you, body, mind and soul and transform your inner chaos to calm.
Online Programs
Are you tired of constantly putting others' needs before your own?
I specialise in empowering conscious cycle breakers to heal from deep-seated inner child wounds, and unlock your true potential.
Whether you want to improve the quality of your relationships, break free from people-pleasing behaviours, or discover your purpose, I have an online program for you.
Remaining stagnant in fear based patterns of self-doubt and insecurity, limits your potential for growth, fulfillment, and genuine happiness.
Limiting beliefs and behaviors affect all aspects of life, from aligning with your purpose to fulfilling relationships. The toll on mental and emotional well-being can be huge, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even illness.
My approach to healing combines a number of modalities so that you are supported to let go of all that no longer serves you on all levels. As you release old, outdated energy from your system, you will let go of the struggle, become stronger within yourself, attract better quality relationships (or improve connection in existing ones), be inspired to follow your passions and become less emotionally reactive. Your energy fields will shine brighter and you will align with higher levels of abundance, happiness and inner peace.
From the Blog

The Benefits of Holistic Healing
Our life experiences cause unexpressed emotions to become stored in the body. These result in blockages which inhibit the flow of energy through the body and can eventually manifest as illness, disease or repeated cycles of heartbreak and abandonment if not released. My healing sessions provide an outlet for the release of these emotions and restores energy flow so the emotional, physical and spiritual body may heal.
Once we have removed the blockages to optimum health we are then able to restore your wellbeing to its fullest potential. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves when the conditions are favourable. My holistic healing sessions allow the body to tune into its innate wisdom which facilitates the restoration of energy levels, mental clarity, and allows you to open your heart to live fully and authentically.
When we are in balance, our heart centre is open and is in alignment with out higher knowing and inner truth. We experience inner peace and harmony and so we attract more of the same. Our frequency becomes higher and we spend less time in the lower vibrational frequencies of fear, self doubt and lack. This means we are aligning with our highest potentials and magnetising increased levels of success, happiness and abundance towards us .
Healing Body, Mind and Soul
Transforming self abandonment into abundance, joy and inner peace
The Difference is You!
As a Conscious Cycle-Breaker it is likely that throughout childhood you were burdened with trauma and abandonment wounds that impact how you show up in the world today. My healing sessions acknowledge how these wounds inform your reality and how bringing them to conscious awareness can reveal new understanding of your inner truth and new ways of aligning with a more fulfilling reality. I will inspire you to reconnect with the truth of who you are so that you can align with the extraordinary life that is yours for the taking!
Inner Child Healing
Bringing awareness to the root of your reactivity or emotional overwhelm is key to letting it go. As an Inner Child Therapist, I encourage you to safely explore the patterns and interactions that were commonplace during your childhood which are repeating themselves today. Seemingly mundane interactions can have long lasting effects, clearing the energy attached to these interactions allows us to let go of triggers and enjoy more peaceful relationships with others.
Ways to Work Together
Holistic Counselling
If you’re looking for one-on-one support and guidance
Online Programs
If you’re looking for focussed weekly sessions from the comfort of your own home