Colour Therapy
Colour Therapy stimulates the body's innate healing process using the seven colours of the spectrum.
Colour Therapy
Do you want to feel happy, brighter, and more energetic? Or perhaps you’d like to release anger or anxiety. Colour can be used to impart energies you would like to experience more of, or to release energies you would like to experience less of.
When one of the chakras is out of balance, applying the appropriate colour to the body can help rebalance the energy. Our body responds differently towards each colour and by harnessing these diverse reactions we can invite more joy into your life!
As each colour has a unique vibration it is believed that by applying more of that colour where it is needed, we can help enhance mood, improve overall health and promote healing.
Colour Therapy is an holistic, non-invasive therapy that is said to bring good health and balance to the body, mind and heart. Each of the seven colours used in colour therapy corresponds to one of the main seven chakras.
Healing with Colour Therapy
What is Colour Therapy?
We all know that certain colours make us feel relaxed or calm, whilst others can increase feelings of anxiety or overwhelm. Colour Therapy acknowledges the way we respond to different colours and uses these subtle energetic shifts to enhance wellbeing.
While perceptions of colour can be subjective, some colours have universal meaning. Warm colours such as red, orange, and yellow evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Colours on the cool side of the spectrum, include blue, purple, and green. These are often described as calming colours, but can also reflect feelings of sadness or indifference.
Colour Therapy uses Colour to open or enhance chakras which may be blocked or shut down. When all our chakras are balanced our energetic body is aligned and we are open to receiving abundance, joy and inner harmony.
How Can Colour Therapy Help?
Colour Therapy helps to:
Balance the Chakras in the body.
Support meditation and relaxation.
Eliminate emotional blockages before they manifest as mental or physical illnesses.
Improve sleep and sleep quality, which supports self healing.
Relieve symptoms of depression.
Improve clarity and concentration.
Increase energy levels.
Relieve stress.
Promote a sense of self worth.
Encourage you to speak your truth.
Increase your connection to your intuition and to source.
Can Colour Therapy Treat Anxiety?
Cool colours such as blue, green and purple are known to promote a sense of calm. Visualise for a moment yourself relaxing in a meadow filled with bluebells. You are surrounded by green grass, indigo flowers and are relaxing under a clear blue sky. The combined effect of this colour palette is complete relaxation.
Similarly if you were to imagine yourself in a room with red walls and orange furniture you might notice that your heart rate has stepped up a notch. These colours are known to increase drive, and productivity, excitement and passion.
Using the ancient wisdom associated with the colours of the spectrum we can help to let go of stress and anxiety to promote restful sleep and relaxation.