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How Reiki Helps You Align with Your Soul Purpose

Ahh reiki…. What a beautiful modality. Imagine bathing in a pure vibration of love and allowing it to travel throughout your entire body, unlocking pockets of resistance, unworthiness, anxiety and fear.  Reiki releases negative emotions and replaces them with the warmth , support and deep inner peace associated with unconditional love.  Reiki is a warm hug for the soul; it will help you remember who you are, and why you are here.

How does Reiki help?

Fear, anxiety, avoidance and resistance are all lower vibration frequencies which keep you separate from the life you would choose to live.  

Imagine your best life.  Who would you share it with? Where would you live? What town or city, what kind of home or community would you live in?  What would work feel like? What would your work/life balance be?

Don’t be afraid to dream big.  Nothing is out of reach, unless you tell yourself it is.  Notice any resistance you have to the dream you just created for yourself.  That resistance comes from a combination of societal conditioning, childhood trauma and ancestral beliefs. 

Reiki helps to remove resistance; to bring you back to your heart centre so that you can create your dream life based on what you would like to achieve rather than what you feel you are worthy of, or is attainable for you. 

It clears out the lower frequencies, the ones that cause anxiety, inner conflict, poor choices, addictions, fear and avoidance.  And restores your inner knowing of what is truly possible for you.  

Why you Should Have Reiki Regularly.

Regular reiki helps you stay in a high vibration for longer.  Over time, limiting beliefs, social judgement and harsh words creep back in, and if you’re a match to them they will take hold once again.  Reiki will help you clear out the clutter so that you align with what your heart knows is meant for you, rather than what your head tells you you’re worthy of.  The longer you stay in a high vibration, the easier it is to attract things that align with your highest potentials. The more accustomed you become to living from a place of love rather than fear, the easier it becomes to notice when it is fear talking and when it is your higher self guiding you.

What are the Benefits of Combining Reiki with Talk Therapy?

Talking through your current situation and understanding how your current experience relates to your childhood allows you to revisit situations of the past from a new place of understanding. This allows the hurt and pain connected to those memories to soften.  Reiki then helps the body to release the suffering and the cellular memory your body has of these events so that you can let go of the hurt and wounding and replace it with lighter, warmer, loving energy.

We are energetic beings who exist as a combination of heart,  mind, body and soul.  Talk Therapy is only half the work. Reiki amplifies the results you would experience from counselling alone, removing the denser energies from your body, allowing you to feel more grounded and less burdened by the challenges you face.

Allowing your True Self to Shine

Connecting with the real you allows you to get in touch with your soul essence. The ‘ you’ that you are beneath the trauma, the conditioning or the limiting beliefs begins to awaken. As you start to align with your true self, your soul purpose will start to unfold. You will start to recognise what feels good and what doesn’t and learn to trust yourself more.

Revealing Soul Purpose

Every soul has a gift, a raison d’être. Slowly, as your alignment with your true soul self unfolds, your soul purpose will begin to be revealed to you. The beauty, majesty, ease and flow of working from a place of alignment rather than trauma brings a freedom and deep inner peace that many people never experience. Reiki allows you to tap into this feeling of alignment, releasing obstacles and bringing you closer to the extraordinary life you haven’t yet dreamed of.

Reiki is a gift of pure love, it has the capacity to open your heart and accelerate your life path. To experience the healing benefits of Reiki for yourself, I invite you to click here to book an appointment. I look forward to working with you!